Protecting Your Rights After a Divorce

Divorce is difficult enough without the added stress of protecting your personal rights. Unfortunately, this is often the case. Working with a divorce attorney at Trimnal & Myers is the best way to make sure your ex-spouse doesn’t take advantage of you....

What You Need to Know About Separation Agreements

All relationships, including marriages, tend to go through ups and downs. However, at a certain point, spending time apart can be a healthy decision. Legal separation is a step that many couples take before they file for divorce. Your divorce attorney understands that...

What Does an Adoption Lawyer Do?

Choosing to welcome a child into your family through adoption is both honorable and commendable. But if you’re interested in adopting a child, you’ll need a family lawyer to stand with you and help see you through. How exactly does a family law attorney...

November Is Adoption Month

Adopting a child is the ultimate act of kindness and love. Whether you welcome an infant or a teenager into your home, it’s a big step that requires the assistance of a family lawyer. Once you’ve decided to adopt, your next best step is to speak with a...

6 Common Signs of Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence leaves behind many scars. Victims can suffer from PTSD, physical injuries, and emotional damage. Contacting a domestic abuse lawyer and the authorities are two steps you can take to get yourself or someone else out of a toxic and dangerous situation....

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Abusive relationships are an all too common occurrence. This type of trauma can have many negative effects on a person, leaving physical and emotional damage behind. To shed light on this issue, October has been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. At...